Welcome to Lake Champlain Life. Celebrate and explore with us life in the Lake Champlain Valley of northern Vermont and New York, and southern Quebec. Bordered by two American states and one Canadian province, Lake Champlain is varied culturally and politically. Lake Champlain is not only naturally beautiful but very historically significant; its waters have seen different groups of people vying for control of the Lake and the water “highway” it provided between the Hudson and St. Lawrence River Valleys.
The Lake Champlain Basin has a rich geologic history. The physical geography (physiography) created by the last Ice Age and the effects of glaciers over a mile thick and their eventual receding have created a unique and varied environment for the people, wildlife and plants that are lucky enough to inhabit the region.
Although this environment is threatened by climate change, pollution, development and invasive species of plants and animals. we believe that we all have an obligation to protect it for ourselves and for future generations. In addition to exploring Lake Champlain, we’ll examine ways that we can protect and preserve this treasure.
Lake Champlain is home to a number of wildlife and plant species that are found only in the Champlain Basin, and others that might seem to be out-of-place. We enjoy learning about the many other residents with which we share Lake Champlain. Knowledge and prevention are crucial to stop the invasive species that threaten to displace these native species.
Human history along Lake Champlain is rich and varied due to its key location. From pre-colonial civilizations, through the military history of the French and Indian, Revolutionary War and The War of 1812 and through the commercial and recreational eras, Lake Champlain has been appreciated, used and fought over by many different people for a variety of reasons. We believe that a better understanding of where we came from will help us to create a better future for ourselves and Lake Champlain.
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Current Lake Conditions: contains links to various sites reporting on weather conditions and forecast, water temperature, water levels and other conditions from around Lake Champlain.
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