Category Archives: Ecology

Ecology of Lake Champlain and how to protect our lake.

New York State Acquires 156 Acres of Lake Champlain Wetlands

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced the acquisition of 156 acres of southern Lake Champlain, including 2,140 feet of undeveloped shoreline. The property is located in the Washington County town of Dresden (about midway from Ticonderoga and Whitehall, New York) between Lake George and the narrow headwaters of Lake Champlain. Here are the details of the purchase:

State Adds 156 Acres of Wetlands on Lake Champlain to Forest Preserve

DEC Partners with the Nature Conservancy to Conserve Chubbs Dock Property

New York State Acquires 156 Acres of Lake Champlain Wetlands

South Bay, Lake Champlain

ALBANY, NY (07/31/2012) (readMedia)–

In partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the state has acquired 156 acres on Southern Lake Champlain in the Town of Dresden, Washington County that will be added to the State Forest Preserve, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens announced today.

Known as the Chubbs Dock property, the land features 2,140 feet of undeveloped shoreline and 70 acres of wetland communities that support rare plants and falls within an area that provides critical breeding, staging and migration habitat for thousands of waterfowl species.

“Chubbs Dock conserves excellent wildlife habitat along the narrow headwaters of Lake Champlain,” said Commissioner Martens. “The property will be added to the Forest Preserve and serve as part of a travel corridor for wildlife between the Adirondack and Green Mountains. Thanks to our partners TNC, Washington County and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for making this land preservation possible.”

With funding through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s North American Wetland Conservation Act grant program, TNC purchased the property for $500,000 in November 2009. The property was then donated to New York State in May 2012. TNC has previously utilized North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants to protect Mill Bay Marsh and Huckleberry Marsh in the Lake Champlain watershed.

“This is a great example of strategic, high leverage conservation work of regional and national importance,” said Michael Carr, Executive Director of the Conservancy’s Adirondack Chapter.

“Not only is New York State keeping intact some of the largest wetlands on Lake Champlain, but doing it in a way that will also secure public access for hunting, fishing, boating, and wildlife-oriented recreation-all of which contribute to the state’s outdoor recreation economy.”

The NAWCA grant application was supported by Washington County and included a commitment by the county to transfer an adjoining 283-acre tract on Maple Bend Island. Both transfers happened this year, adding a total of 439 acres with significant wetlands to public ownership. As part of the Forest Preserve, DEC will pay taxes on both properties. Public access to Lake Champlain and its shoreline is limited because most of the shoreline is privately owned. State acquisition of Chubb’s Dock will provide for new public access.

Protecting wetlands is also an important part of mitigating the impacts of climate change by helping to maintain the connection between wetlands and riparian habitat.

The NAWCA of 1989 provides matching grants to organizations and individuals who have developed partnerships to carry out wetland conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds and other wildlife. The Act was passed, in part, to support activities under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, an international agreement that provides a strategy for the long-term protection of wetlands and associated uplands habitats needed by waterfowl and other migratory birds in North America. In December 2002, Congress reauthorized the Act and expanded its scope to include the conservation of all habitats and birds associated with wetland ecosystems.

The Act emphasizes multi-stakeholder partnerships as necessary and valuable mechanisms for wetlands conservation, and for this reason proposals submitted for funding under the Act must include a substantial partnership component. Wetlands conservation projects focus specifically on the long-term protection, restoration, enhancement and/or management of wetland ecosystems.

The North American Wetlands Conservation Fund, set up under the Act, is funded through several federal sources, including direct appropriations, interest from receipts under the Pittman-Robertson Trust Fund, receipts from the Sportfish Restoration Account, and fines and forfeitures collected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Division of Bird Habitat Conservation is responsible for facilitating and administering grants under the Act’s two grants programs.

By focusing on public-private partnerships and working with multiple stakeholders to leverage federal dollars several times over with non-federal funding sources, the NAWCA Program has become one of the nation’s most successful conservation programs.

Posted Tuesday July 31, 2012 at 09:59 am by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Lake Champlain Phosphorus Levels (20 year chart)

Lake Champlain Phosphorus Levels for past 20 years


Lake Champlain Phosphorus Amounts Chart image

Amounts of Lake Champlain Phosphorus

This chart created by the Addison Independent from Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Water Management Division data shows the number of metric tons of Phosphorus in Lake Champlain per year from 1991 through 2011. The chart focuses on three Vermont watersheds, namely Otter Creek, the Winooski River and the Missisquoi River.

Last year’s record spring flooding and Tropical Storm Irene caused unprecedented amounts of phosphorus to be dumped into Lake Champlain. In some cases the amounts were two to three times the average high mean levels. These high Phosphorus levels are responsible for the widespread and sudden appearance of Blue-Green Algae, or cyanobacteria blooms that have closed beaches around the Lake.

“Phosphorus is key to causing the dense cyanobacteria blooms,” according to Angela Shambaugh, aquatic biologist for the Water Management Division at the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and a leading authority on cyanobacteria. “That bulk of algae really can’t grow without phosphorus, and it takes a lot of phosphorus to create that amount of biomass.”

In Vermont, cyanobacteria live in warm, shallow waters that get lots of sun and low winds. And they flourish most where their primary source of food  – phosphorus – is most abundant. As the above chart illustrates, Lake Champlain Phosphorus levels have never been higher. Warmer weather and calmer wind and waves provide the ideal conditions for the formation of Blue-Green Algae blooms and have contributed to our current outbreaks.

Lake Champlain phosphorus levels lead to Blue-Green Algae Bloom

Boaters, swimmers, water-skiers, waders, parents, pet-owners and residents should become familiar with the appearance of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Avoid contact with dense accumulations of these algae. Children are at higher risk because they are more likely to drink the water. Pets should not be allowed in algae-contaminated water, because they will also drink the water and consume algae on their fur.

For more information on the causes, dangers and prevention of Blue-Green Algae blooms see Blue-Green Algae Tips.


Further Reading: 

Blue-Green Algae Tips, (

Lake Champlain Blue-Green Algae Bloom Status Map, (Vt Dept. of Health)

Lake Champlain, Environmental Reports, (VT ANR)

Blue-green Algae, Information Bulletin, (NYS Dept. of Health)

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in Vermont, (VT ANR)

Blue-green algae and our surface water, (MDDEP, Quebec)


Blue-Green Algae Tips

Blue-Green Algae Tips for Lake Users

Blue-green algae bloom

Blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria,  is a common and natural component of the microscopic plants (plankton) in Lake Champlain and other waters. Some blue-green algae produce natural toxins or poisons. When the algae die and decompose, toxins can are sometimes released into the water.

Blue-green algae are an ancient group of algae. Although they are most closely related to other bacteria, they can photosynthesize like green plants. Blue-green algae reproduce rapidly in lakes and ponds with adequate amounts of sunlightair/water temperature andnutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen.

Blue-green algae can become very abundant in some sections of Lake Champlain as the water warm in mid-summer. Particular problem areas are Missisquoi Bay and St. Albans Bay. Under calm conditions, the blue-green algae can accumulate in thick layers on the surface or along the shoreline. These accumulations are often referred to as “blooms” or “scums.” Although blue-green algae blooms can create nuisance conditions and undesirable water quality, most blooms are not toxic.

For much of the year, Lake Champlain is safe to swim in, but it is important to be aware of algae blooms. Blue-green algae blooms usually don’t occur until July, and are most common in August and September.


Is Blue-Green Algae Really Dangerous?

While there are no documented cases of human illness due to blue-green algae in Lake Champlain, caution around the algae is urged, especially for pet owners. If animals ingest the toxins, they can become paralyzed and die quickly. The signs of such poisoning include weakness, staggering, difficulty breathing, convulsions and death.

Some blue-green algae produce toxins that could pose a health risk to people and animals when they are exposed to them in large enough quantities. Health effects could occur when surface scums or water containing high levels of blue-green algal toxins are swallowed, through contact with the skin or when airborne droplets containing toxins are inhaled while swimming, bathing or showering.

Recreational contact, such as swimming, and household contact, such as bathing or showering, with water not visibly affected by a blue-green algae bloom is not expected to cause health effects. However, some individuals could be especially sensitive to even low levels of algal toxins and might experience mild symptoms such as skin, eye or throat irritation or allergic reactions.

During the summers of 1999 and 2000 the death of two dogs was attributed to blue-green algae poisoning, after drinking large amounts of contaminated water directly from the lake.

While blue-green algae toxins have been detected at many locations in Lake Champlain, the highest concentrations of toxins are usually found in blooms and shoreline scums. These dense accumulations pose the greatest potential health risks. Watch for dense accumulations of algae and avoid these areas. 


How Does Weather Affect Blue-Green Algae Blooms?

blue-green algae tips

Surface water affected by blue-green algae can be so strongly colored that it can develop a paint-like appearance.



The warmer water temperature results in an increase in the amount of blue-green algae and the presence of blooms.

Weather can also influence where blue-green algae will accumulate. During extended periods of calm and sunny days, blooms can accumulate at the surface in any location. Wind and waves may cause them to form along shorelines or in protected areas. Shifts in wind direction can move a bloom from one location to another.

Periods of cool rainy weather can often lead to the disappearance of a bloom.




Properties of Blue-Green Algae Blooms

  • The water may appear cloudy and look like thick pea soup.
  • Blooms are generally green or blue-green in color, although they sometimes can be brown or purple.
  • A thick mat or foam may form when a bloom washes onto shore.
  • large numbers of dead fish, waterfowl or other animals.
  • sudden, unexplained sickness or death of a cat or dog.
  • a skin rash on humans after being in the water.
  • Not all blue-green algae produce toxins, however there is no way to tell just by looking at them.
  • View this Vermont Dept. of Health photo gallery for what a Blue-green algae bloom looks like


What Can You Do To Avoid Blue-Green Algae?

Boaters, swimmers, water-skiers, waders, parents, pet-owners and residents should become familiar with the appearance of blue-green algae. Everyone should avoid contact with dense accumulations of these algae.

Children are at higher risk because they are more likely to drink the water.

Do not allow pets in algae-contaminated water because they will also drink the water and consume algae on their fur.

If your dog does swim in a bloom, wash the dog off when it comes out of the water; make sure the dog does not lick the algae out of its fur.

If the water has a lot of algae in it, make sure the dog drinks from another source.

If you believe that someone has become ill because of blue-green algae, please contact the VT Department of Health at 800-439-8550 or the NYS Department of Health at 518-402-7820.


How Can You Help Prevent Blue-Green Algae Blooms?

blue-green algae tips

Sometimes blue-green algae becomes so abundant that it forms floating rafts or scums on the surface of the water.

Algae blooms typically occur during sunny, calm weather when high concentrations of nutrients are present in water. The two important nutrients that can cause a bloom are phosphorus and nitrogen, found in animal and human waste and fertilizers.

To help decrease nutrients flowing into streams, ponds and lakes:

  • Don’t use more lawn fertilizers than the recommended amount, and keep fertilizers out of storm drains and off driveways and sidewalks.
  • “Don’t ‘P’ on the lawn!” It’s the Law! New laws in Vermont and New York that took effect January 1, 2012, prohibit the application of phosphorus fertilizers except in certain circumstances.
  • Maintain or plant native plants around shorelines and streams. Native plants don’t require fertilizers and help filter water.
  • Properly care for and maintain your septic system.
  • Do not allow livestock to drink or defecate in streams or lakes. Don’t overfeed waterfowl.
  • Take steps to prevent soil erosion.


* Check the Current Lake Champlain B-G Algae Status Map Here *


How You Can Prevent Invasive Species Expansion

We’ve examined the vast variety of invasive species that are posing threats to Lake Champlain’s ecosystem. By now you’re wondering , “What can I do to prevent invasive species expansion?”


What Can You Do?


Boat Owners:

  • Inspect your boat for zebra mussels

    Inspect your boat

    If you are a boat owner, make sure whenever you move your boat from one body of water to the other that it is free of zebra mussels, one of the most dangerous and invasive of all the species. The larval stage of zebra mussels is microscopic in size so you cannot necessarily see them.

  • Clean your boat off when it has come in contact with infested bodies of water, and give it a good look over. Throw any zebra mussels you find in the trash.
  • Remove all mud, plants, or animals and dispose of on dry land.
  • Drain all bilge water, live wells, bait buckets, and all other water from your boat, engine and equipment.
  • Wash all parts of your fishing gear and boat that have been in contact with water. Do not allow wash water to flow into any body of water or storm sewer.
  • Drain all water from the boat, including the bilge, live well, and engine cooling system. Dry the boat and trailer in the sun for at least five days, or if you use your boat sooner, rinse off the boat, trailer, anchor, anchor line, bumpers, engine, etc. with hot water or at a car wash.



  • Don’t move fish from one body of water to another.
  • Never release unused bait fish, even in waters where using them is allowed.
  • Never move fish overland, unless they have been certified as being disease-free.
  • Make sure that your boat and equipment are clean and dried before using them in a different waterway.
  • Inspect all parts of your fishing gear, boat, and trailer that have been in contact with water.



  • Purchase non-invasive plants and fish for your landscapes and aquarium.
  • Don’t release unwanted plants or animals into the wild.
  • When swimming or boating in an area infested with Eurasian water milfoil, try not to break parts off the plant—this is how the plant spreads.


Additional Infomation:

Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Animals (Invasive Species) by Suellen May
Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Plants (Invasive Species) by Suellen May
Invasion Ecology by Julie Lockwood, Martha Hoopes and Michael Marchetti
Invasive Plants: Guide to Identification and the Impacts and Control of Common North American Species by Sylvan Ramsey Kaufman and Wallace Kaufman


Other Invasive Threats to Lake Champlain

Other Invasive Threats to Lake Champlain

We’ve looked at fish, mollusks, crayfish and plants that want to make Lake Champlain their home. Here are some other invasive threats to Lake Champlain:.


  • VHS infected - Hemorrhaged Walleye

    Hemorrhaged Walleye

    VHS: viral hemorrhagic septicemia: an often lethal fish disease affecting many species.  VHS in the Great Lakes drainage has led to significant restrictions on transporting fish between water bodies.  It is so significant that new outbreaks must be reported to the World Health Organization for Animal Health.  The disease transmits easily between fish (both individuals and species) and mortality rates seem to be highest in colder waters (37-54 F).  Because some fish can be carriers of the virus and show no external signs, the actual presence of the disease can only be determined by laboratory testing.





  • Spiny water flea and fishhook water flea: 

Spiny water flea and fishhook water flea

These two plankton species could drastically disrupt Lake Champlain’s food web. Spiny water flea and fishhook water flea both came from Northeast Europe; they were first noticed in Lake Huron in 1984 and Lake Ontario in 1998. These two species  were most likely released with a ship’s ballast water. In 2008 spiny water flea were found in the Great Sacandaga Lake in New York, just upstream from the feeder for the Champlain Canal.

** Since this article was originally published (June 11, 2012), Spiny Water Fleas have been confirmed in the Champlain Canal  and in Lake George; both of these waterways are linked directly to Lake Champlain. It now (August3, 2012) seems inevitable that Spiny Water Fleas will become established in Lake Champlain, if they haven’t already.

Spiny Waterfleas collect in masses on fishing lines.

Spiny Waterfleas collect in masses on fishing lines.

In addition to competing with the native zoo-plankton, spiny water flea and fishhook water flea are much more difficult for small fish to ingest, and are therefore a poorer food source. The long spines of these species can hook them onto anglers’ lines by the hundreds, making fishing difficult. Eggs and adult water fleas can travel unseen in a boat’s bilge water, bait buckets, and live wells.

Learn to recognize these water-fleas on fishing gear.

Inspect and remove aquatic plants and animals, including gelatinous or cotton batting-like material from lines, especially where they meet a swivel, lure or down-rigger ball connection (plucking like a guitar string helps).

Drain lake or river water from live-well and bilge before leaving access.

Dispose of unwanted live bait and worms in the trash.


  • Double-crested Cormorants

    Double-crested Cormorants

    Double-crested Cormorants: Cormorants are relative newcomers to Lake Champlain and have since become a concern to wildlife managers. They first nested on Young Island, Vermont, in 1981; then expanded to Four Brothers Islands, New York, by 1984, and peaked at over 20,000 birds by 1999. Population increases were associated with destruction of vegetation and displacement of other birds from nesting colonies of stick nests built high in trees on islands or in patches of flooded timber. .

Gangly Double-crested Cormorants are prehistoric-looking, black fishing birds with yellow-orange facial skin. Though they look like a combination of a goose and a loon, they are relatives of frigatebirds and boobies.

Double-crested Cormorants float low on the surface of water and dive to catch small fish. After fishing, they stand on docks, rocks, and tree limbs with wings spread open to dry. In flight, they often travel in V-shaped flocks that shift and reform as the birds alternate bursts of choppy flapping with short glides..

Obviously, Lake Champlain is a great lake; who could fault these newcomers for wanting to take up residence here? But these invasive species are threats to the health and survival of our native species, and will disrupt the health, recreation and aesthetic enjoyment of Lake Champlain’s human residents. We must protect our lake; so, what can we do…?.

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