Category Archives: Images

images of lake champlain

Lake Champlain sunset from Alburgh, Vermont

Lake Champlain sunset from Alburgh



Lake Champlain sunset from Alburgh, VT
photo by Mary Fortin

We think that the sunsets from Alburgh, Vermont have got to be among the most beautiful anywhere. Sometimes we almost take them for granted… almost.

Then along comes a sunset like this one captured by our friend Mary. It is absolutely indescribable. Thanks for sharing Mary!


More Lake Champlain Photos:



Lake Champlain Morning at the Sandbar

Photo of Lake Champlain morning at the Sandbar

Lake Champlain morning at the Sandbar
Photo by Betsy Dall

The Causeway at the Sandbar is busiest access to the Lake Champlain Islands from the Vermont ‘mainland’. It connects Milton and Colchester, Vermont with the southernmost of the Island towns, South Hero, Vermont.


More Lake Champlain Photos:


Sunset over Lake Champlain

Sunset over Lake Champlain

(toward Rouses Point, New York)

Sunset over Lake Champlain

Sunset over Lake Champlain

Lake Champain sunset looking towards Rouses Point, New York (taken from Alburgh, Vermont)




Lake Champlain Sunset-Moonset from Alburgh, Vermont

Lake Champlain Sunset-Moonset

Lake Champlain Sunset-Moonset, Sept. 26, 2014

Lake Champlain Sunset-Moonset from Alburgh, Vermont (with Adirondack Mountains in background). Photo taken September 26, 2014 in alburgh,VT.






Canada Geese Visit Lake Champlain


Canada Geese Visit Lake Champlain in Alburgh, Vermont

Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are one of the more common birds seen around the Lake Champlain Valley, especially during their spring and fall migrations. Lake Champlain is considered part of the Atlantic Flyway, which is one of the major flight corridors for migratory birds. Canada geese, like these stopping in Alburgh, Vermont, depend on Lake Champlain to provide rest and food on their journey.
