Category Archives: Uncategorized

Farmers subject to new clean water rules

Owners of small farms will be required to submit to inspections once every 10 years, and must attend training courses on methods to prevent excessive runoff from their properties. They’ll also become responsible for annual compliance reporting.

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Nutrients contained in runoff from agriculture and commercial development is a leading cause of pollution in Lake Champlain, causing annual blooms of toxic blue-green algae that raise health concerns.

See on Scoop.itLake Champlain Life

Senator Leahy Ribbon-cutting to celebrate completion of Waterfront North Improvements, Nov 23

Ribbon cutting for Burlington’s, Waterfront North improvements, Lake Street, near the Burlington Skate Park. The $9 million project was completed with the help of a $3.3 million U.S. Department of Transportation grant that was strongly supported by Senator Leahy. Date: Monday, November 23, 2015 – 10:00am

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See on Scoop.itLake Champlain Life

Impact of climate change on the nutrient load of the Pike River watershed

Using future climate change scenarios and water quality projections, experts found that sediment and the blue-green algae producing nutrients phosphorus and nitrogen are likely to increase in the Missisquoi Bay despite active efforts to reduce nutrient loads.

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See on Scoop.itLake Champlain Life