Coast Guard Cautions Boaters as Temperature Drops


Coast Guard Cautions Boaters as Temperature Drops


The U.S. Coast Guard urges Lake Champlain boaters to be extra cautious as we experience cooler temperatures.

The U.S. Coast Guard says that’s cold enough for lake-goers to catch hypothermia, especially kayakers and paddlers who aren’t equipped with heavy gear.

See on Scoop.itLake Champlain Life


Lake Champlain

This 128-page softcover book features stunning historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, and includes chapters on Patriotic Sites and Celebrations; Commerce in the Canal Era; The Age of Steam; Crossing Lake Champlain; Recreational Boating; Summer and Summer Folk; Hunting and Fishing; and Winter. ‘Lake Champlain’ tells the story of this historic, busy commercial corridor and recreational destination.

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