NRCS Encouraging Installation of Voluntary Edge of Field Monitoring Stations
The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is making $2 million available to help farmers install voluntary edge of field monitoring stations on agricultural lands in 47 Lake Champlain subwatersheds, and other lands in eight states. These monitoring stations enable NRCS to measure at the edge of farm fields rather than trying to estimate conservation effects by in-stream measurements that can be subject to influences outside of the farmer’s control. Edge-of-field monitoring, combined with instream monitoring provides a more thorough picture of improvements within a watershed.
The types of conservation practices typically evaluated include planting cover crops and using no till, irrigation water management, and practices to reduce and trap nutrients and sediment.The financial assistance, available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), helps farmers install and maintain the monitoring systems for up to nine years.
NRCS first introduced edge of field monitoring as an opportunity through Farm Bill conservation programs in 2013 and has already funded eight projects in Vermont. The results of data collected will be maintained confidentially for farmers’ use and for use by the conservation partners responsible for monitoring.
Interested farmers should contact their local USDA service center for more information. The application deadline is July 24, 2015.
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