New guide kayaks through Lake Champlain’s rivers

guide kayaks through Lake Champlain's rivers

SHELBURNE – Two kayaks skitter like water bugs across the café-au-lait surface of the LaPlatte River toward a wall of trees.

“A Paddler’s Guide to the Champlain Valley: Exploring the Rivers, Creeks, Wetlands and Ponds,” published this month, is a sequel to the pair’s first book, “A Kayaker’s Guide to Lake Champlain.”

That volume chronicled the women’s journey in a series of day trips around the 650-mile shoreline of the lake. They enjoyed sweeping vistas, but sometimes battled strong winds and three-foot waves.

The chance to explore the contrasts between lake and stream — between distant views and intimate landscape, the scream of gulls and the twitter of marsh birds, high waves and flat water — helped inspire their new book.

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