Lake Champlain Area Year-Round Trout Fishing
The “open season” for trout may be closed, but there are several stream sections where you can still fish for trout. Below are a listing of Lake Champlain tributaries where trout fishing is allowed year-round under the following conditions.
The sections of streams listed below are open to trout fishing year round according to the following rules:
- Only artificial flies or lures may be used, except during the open season for trout (2nd Sat. in April – Oct. 31).
- Catch and release only (trout must be immediately released where caught), except during the open season for trout.
- During open season for trout, follow normal size restrictions, daily limits and possession limits.
Lake Champlain Tributaries
Lamoille River:
From the Lake Champlain boundary (top of Peterson Dam in Milton) upstream to the top of the Cady’s Falls Dam in Morristown.
Lewis Creek:
From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the State Prison Hollow Road (TH#3) bridge in Starksboro.
Missisquoi River:
From the top of the Swanton Dam in Swanton to the top of the Enosburg Falls Dam in Enosburg Falls.
Otter Creek:
From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the Danby-Mt. Tabor Forest Road bridge (Forest Road #10) in Mt. Tabor.
Winooski River:
From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the VT Route 2/100 in Duxbury and Waterbury.NOTE: Check specific stream sections in “Index of Rivers & Streams” for other regulations.
Other Vermont Streams to Fish for Trout Year-Round
Black River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the Howard Hill Road Bridge in Cavendish.
Deerfield River:
From the Woods Road (Medburyville) bridge in Wilmington upstream approximately 2 miles to the VT Route 9W bridge in Searsburg.
East Creek (Rutland City):
From the confluence with Otter Creek upstream (approximately 2.7 miles) to the top of the Patch Dam in Rutland City.
Hoosic River:
From the Vermont/New York border upstream to the Vermont/ Massachusetts border.
Moose River:
From the confluence with Passumpsic River upstream to the downstream edge of the Concord Avenue bridge in St. Johnsbury.
Ompompanoosuc River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the Union Village Dam in Thetford.
Passumpsic River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of Arnolds Falls Dam in St. Johnsbury.
Waits River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of the Central Vermont Power Dam (Green Power Mountain Dam) in Bradford.
Walloomsac River:
From the Vermont/New York border in Bennington upstream to the top of the former Vermont Tissue Plant Dam (downstream of Murphy Road) in Bennington.
West River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the Townshend Dam in Townshend.
White River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the bridge on Route 107 in Bethel.
Williams River:
From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of the dam at Brockway Mills Falls in Rockingham.