Lake Champlain Tributaries Grants Available

Lake Champlain Tributaries Grants Available

Grants are now available to support projects that advance long-term or permanent physical enhancements to aquatic and riparian habitat in the tributaries of Lake Champlain through the Lake Champlain and Tributaries Restoration Fund at the Vermont Community Foundation.

Projects must be located in Vermont on a tributary of Lake Champlain, with a preference for projects located on a major tributary (i.e. the Lamoille, Missisquoi, or Winooski Rivers), or a lesser tributary going into one of these. High-impact projects on smaller waters may also be considered. Matching funds are required.

  • Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2015, and applicants will be notified of decisions by mid-March 2016. Visit for more information or to apply.

About The Vermont Community Foundation

The Vermont Community Foundation is a family of hundreds of funds and foundations established by Vermonters to serve their charitable goals. It provides the advice, investment vehicles, and back-office expertise to make giving easy and effective. The Foundation also provides leadership in giving by responding to community needs, mobilizing and connecting philanthropists to multiply their impact, and by keeping Vermont’s nonprofit sector vital with grants and other investments in the community. Visit or call 802-388-3355 for more information.

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His Life and Times


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