Plattsburgh works to reimagine waterfront

The town of Plattsburgh is looking at ways to revitalize its 26 miles of waterfront along Lake Champlain and the Saranac River in hopes of boosting the local economy.

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The town of Plattsburgh has around 13 miles of waterfront along the Saranac River. The beach in Cadyville is just one example of an access point where people can get in the water, but the town is hoping they can have more places where people can enjoy the river.

See on Scoop.itCanoeing & Kayaking

Lake Champlain

This 128-page softcover book features stunning historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, and includes chapters on Patriotic Sites and Celebrations; Commerce in the Canal Era; The Age of Steam; Crossing Lake Champlain; Recreational Boating; Summer and Summer Folk; Hunting and Fishing; and Winter. ‘Lake Champlain’ tells the story of this historic, busy commercial corridor and recreational destination.

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