Salmon Symposium

Salmon Symposium

Lake Champlain Salmon Symposium

Landlocked Atlantic Salmon

The Salmon Symosium focuses on fisheries management objectives for the Boquet River and Lake Champlain, as well as the history of the Atlantic salmon fishery, current management objectives, ongoing research, potential natural resource concerns, economic impact of fisheries development, opportunities, challenges and potential for the future.

The Salmon Symposium will be held March 11 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Lodge at Noblewood Park, 158 Lakeshore Drive, Willsboro.

Due to limited seating, please preregister at 963-8933.

The Lake Champlain Salmon Restoration Program is sponsored by the Greater Adirondack Resource Conservation and Development Council, the Willsboro Community Foundation, the Lake Champlain Basin Program and the AuSable and Boquet River Associations. 



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