Tag Archives: Blue-Green Algae

Scientists Claim Nitrogen as Bad as Phosphorus for Algae Blooms in Lake

Researchers Say Levels of Nitrogen as Bad as Phosphorus for Algae Blooms

Scientists Claim Nitrogen as Bad as Phosphorus for Algae Blooms in Lake

Blue green algae bloom

The common wisdom held that algae blooms could only be caused by high concentrations of phosphorus in freshwater lakes, but new research show increased levels of nitrogen as bad as phosphorus for algae blooms formation in lakes.

At its 2015 conference last May in Burlington, Vermont, the International Association for Great Lakes Research held a session on that topic. chaired by Dan Peckham coordinator of the Harmful Algal Blooms Workgroup of the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.

Blue-green algae contains cyanobacteria, which produce the cyanotoxins that make seasonal blooms harmful, while green algae are harmless, according to Peckham. Blue-green algae is the source of the seasonal toxic blooms on portions of Lake Champlain.

“Usually the concentration of cyanotoxins is associated with biodegradable dissolved phosphorus, but some people have been hypothesizing more recently that high levels of nitrogen may also be responsible,” ~ Dan Peckham, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission


Runoff from Farm fields

Unprotected farm fields yield topsoil as well as
farm fertilizers and other potential pollutants when heavy rains occur.

Both nitrogen and phosphorus are needed to grow any kind of plant, including algae.

Nitrogen and phosphorus wash into water bodies and then release into the air. The chemicals come from stormwater, wastewater, fossil fuels, soaps and fertilizers, according to the Environmental Protection Agency website.



“Excessive amounts of growth are caused by high levels of both nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is not worse than phosphorus, but both need to be reduced. The bottom line is that nitrogen input needs to be controlled along with what we already know about controlling phosphorus input… If we only reduce phosphorus we may not get there fast enough in terms of getting a lake or even a marine system back to what we would deem desirable.”  ~ Hans Paerl, Professor of marine and environmental sciences,University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


Paerl said freshwater researchers have developed tunnel vision by focusing on phosphorus for so long. The same protocols that keep phosphorus out of lakes and streams apply to nitrogen. he added.


Scientists Claim Nitrogen as Bad as Phosphorus for Algae Blooms in Lake

Nitrogen as Bad as Phosphorus for Algae Blooms in Lake


Nitrogen Levels Could Make Drinking Lake Water Unsafe

Elevated levels of nitrogen in drinking water are also known to cause health problems in young children, according to the Vermont Health Department. Last year algae blooms were responsible for contaminating drinking water supplies for several communities on Lake Erie.
Mike Winslow, a staff scientist at the Lake Champlain Committee, said he has never known of a time where blooms in Lake Champlain have affected the quality of drinking water in Vermont.


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Vermont Using EPA Guidance for Blue-Green Algae Toxins in Lake Champlain

As we all prepare for summer fun on Lake Champlain, Vermont state agencies and local partners are preparing for summer blue-green algae cyanobacteria monitoring.

Vermont Using EPA Guidance for Blue-Green Algae

blue green algae bloom

Blue-green algae occurs naturally in the waters of Vermont, including in Lake Champlain, and thrives in nutrient-rich conditions. The algae can multiply rapidly in warm conditions.

These annual monitoring efforts by the Vermont Department of Health, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Lake Champlain Committee (LCC) will be guided by new advice from the EPA on blue-green algae toxins in drinking water.

“We welcome the new science-based guidance from EPA, and will use it to determine the appropriate advisory level to protect the health of Vermonters”, ~ Sarah Vose, PhD. -Vermont Health Department Toxicologist 

EPA Guidance for Blue-Green Algae in Lake Champlain

For the past few years the departments of Health and Environmental Conservation and LCC have partnered to train drinking water operators on blue-green algae monitoring, so that public water systems are prepared for blue-green algae blooms. The Health Department laboratory is also equipped to test for cyanobacterial toxins.

This summer, operators of drinking water facilities on Lake Champlain will regularly monitor their raw and treated water for toxins.

“DEC will be working with any water system providers that find toxins in their water to manage the threat to drinking water… Source protection is the first line of defense for safe drinking water. Everyone should remember that keeping nutrients like phosphorus out of our lakes and reservoirs is one of the most important steps we can take to protect our drinking water.”  ~ Ellen Parr-Doering, assistant director of the Drinking Water and Ground Water Protection Division, DEC.

Vermont Using EPA Guidance for Blue-Green Algae

blue green algae

Drinking water containing blue-green algae toxins can cause stomach problems and liver damage in humans and pets. Health and environmental officials plan to review the EPA guidance and incorporate it into Vermont’s existing advisory levels for blue-green algae toxins in drinking water. The updated advisory levels are expected to be in place by early summer.


More Articles About Lake Champlain and Blue Green  Algae:


Link Between Lou Gehrig’s Disease and Algae?

Closing in on ALS? Link between Lou Gehrig’s disease and algae explored

Residents of Toledo, Ohio, lost drinking water for days this summer when toxins from a Lake Erie algal bloom were found in the water supply.

Residents of Toledo, Ohio, lost drinking water for days this summer when toxins from a Lake Erie algal bloom were found in the water supply.

  Staff Writer, Environmental Health News

For 28 years, Bill Gilmore lived in a New Hampshire beach town, where he surfed and kayaked. “I’ve been in water my whole life,” he said. “Before the ocean, it was lakes. I’ve been a water rat since I was four.”

Now Gilmore can no longer swim, fish or surf, let alone button a shirt or lift a fork to his mouth. Earlier this year, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

In New England, medical researchers are now uncovering clues that appear to link some cases of the lethal neurological disease to people’s proximity to lakes and coastal waters.

About five years ago, doctors at a New Hampshire hospital noticed a pattern in their ALS patients – many of them, like Gilmore, lived near water. Since then, researchers at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center have identified several ALS hot spots in lake and coastal communities in New England, and they suspect that toxic blooms of blue-green algae – which are becoming more common worldwide – may play a role.

Now scientists are investigating whether breathing a neurotoxin produced by the algae may raise the risk of the disease. They have a long way to go, however: While the toxin does seem to kill nerve cells, no research, even in animals, has confirmed the link to ALS.

blue green algae bloom

blue green algae bloom

No known cause

As with all ALS patients, no one knows what caused Bill Gilmore’s disease. He was a big, strong guy – a carpenter by profession. One morning in 2011, his arms felt weak. “I couldn’t pick up my tools. I thought I had injured myself,” said Gilmore, 59, who lived half his life in Hampton and now lives in Rochester, N.H.

Three years and many doctors’ appointments later, Gilmore received the news in June that the progressive weakening in his limbs was caused by ALS.

Neither Hampton nor Rochester is considered a hot spot for ALS. Gilmore is one of roughly 5,600 people in the United States diagnosed each year with the disease. The average patient lives two to five years from the time of diagnosis.

There is no cure, and for the majority of patients, no known cause. For 90 to 95 percent of people with ALS, there’s no known genetic mutation. Researchers assume that some unknown interaction between genes and the environment is responsible.

In recent years, some of this research has focused on blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria.


“There’s a growing awareness of the importance of gene/environment interactions with neurodegenerative diseases. There is more interest in examining environmental exposures, including exposures to cyanobacteria, as possible risk factors for sporadic ALS,” said Paul Alan Cox, director of the nonprofit Institute of Ethnomedicine in Wyoming, which focuses on treatments for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Cyanobacteria – some of the oldest organisms on the planet – can occur wherever there is moisture. Blooms are fed largely by nutrients in agricultural and urban runoff.

Some cyanobacteria produce toxic compounds that can sicken people. In August, hundreds of thousands of people in Toledo, Ohio, were left without tap water for days when toxins from an algal bloom in Lake Erie were found in the water supply.

While the cyanobacteria toxin that prompted the Toledo water crisis can cause diarrhea, intestinal pain and liver problems, other toxins produced by the blue-green algae can harm the nervous systems of humans and wildlife.

One morning in 2011, Bill Gilmore’s arms felt weak. He was a big, strong guy, a carpenter by profession. “I couldn’t pick up my tools. I thought I had injured myself,” he said.Scientists have long suspected that a cyanobacteria toxin could play a role in some forms of ALS. After World War II, U.S. military doctors in Guam found that many indigenous Chamorro suffered from a rapidly progressing neurological disease with symptoms similar to both ALS and dementia. Years later, scientists found the neurotoxin BMAA in the brains of Chamorro people who died from the disease. Cyanobacteria that grow on the roots and seeds of cycad trees produce the toxin.

Cox, a researcher in Guam in the 1990s, hypothesized that BMAA worked its way up the food chain from the cycad seeds to bats to the Chamorro who hunted them. But Cox and his colleagues also found BMAA in the brains of Canadian Alzheimer’s patients who had never dined on Guam’s fruit bats. In patients who had died from other causes, they found no traces of it. The source of the BMAA in the Canadians remains unknown.

Some researchers have suggested that fish and shellfish from waters contaminated with cyanobacteria blooms may be one way that people ingest BMAA. In southern France, researchers suspect ALS cases may be linked to consumption of mussels and oysters. Lobsters, collected off the Florida coast near blooms, also have been found with high levels of BMAA.

Scientists around the world are investigating how the neurotoxin gets into the body and whether it contributes to disease.

“We don’t really know what exposure routes are most important,” Cox said.

New England’s ALS hot spots

In New Hampshire, Dartmouth neurologist Elijah Stommel noticed that several ALS patients came from the small town of Enfield in the central part of the state. When he mapped their addresses, he saw that nine of them lived near Lake Mascoma.

blue green algae 2

Around the lake, the incidence of sporadic ALS – cases for which genetics are not a likely cause – is approximately 10 to 25 times the expected rate for a town of that size.

“We had no idea why there appeared to be a cluster around the lake,” Stommel said.

Based on the link between ALS and the neurotoxin in other parts of the world, Stommel and his colleagues hypothesize that the lake’s cyanobacteria blooms could be a factor.

Across northern New England, the researchers have continued to identify ALS hot spots – a large one in Vermont near Lake Champlain and a smattering of smaller ones among coastal communities in New Hampshire and Maine.

Earlier this year, the researchers reported that poorer lake water quality increased the odds of living in a hot spot. Most strikingly, they discovered that living within 18 miles of a lake with high levels of dissolved nitrogen – a pollutant from fertilizer and sewage that feeds algae and cyanobacteria blooms – raised the odds of belonging to an ALS hot spot by 167 percent.

The findings, they wrote, “support the hypothesis that sporadic ALS can be triggered by environmental lake quality and lake conditions that promote harmful algal blooms and increases in cyanobacteria.”

How people in New England communities could be ingesting the neurotoxin remains largely a mystery. While fish in the lakes do contain it, not everyone in the Dartmouth studies eats fish.

“We’ve sent questionnaires to patients and there’s really no common thread in terms of diet or activities,” Stommel said. “The one common thing that everybody does is breathe.”

In other words, it’s possible that a boat, jet ski or even the wind could stir up tiny particles of cyanobacteria in the air, where people then breathe it in.

Testing the air for a neurotoxin

Last August, at Lake Attitash, Jim Haney, a University of New Hampshire biologist, waded knee-deep into swirling green water. Cyanobacteria were blooming at the small lake in the northeastern corner of Massachusetts. Haney had rigged up three vacuum-like devices with pipes, plastic funnels and paper to suck up and filter air near the lake’s surface.

He took the filter papers back to his laboratory and measured the cyanobacteria cells, BMAA and other toxins stuck to them.

“We’ve developed this view of nature as idyllic, which is wonderful, but not everything in nature is benign. Rattlesnakes are natural and you wouldn’t get too close to one of those.” Jim Haney, University of New Hampshire   “We want to know what level lake residents may be exposed to through airborne particles,” said Haney, who is sampling the air at Massachusetts and New Hampshire lakes in collaboration with the Dartmouth team.

Stommel said,“it’s very compelling to look at the filter paper and see it just coated with cyanobacteria.”

At this point, Haney and graduate students are trying to understand under what conditions the toxins might be coming out of the lake and whether the airborne particles are an important route of exposure. Preliminary findings suggest that BMAA and other cyanobacteria cells are being aerolized. There is potentially a large quantity of cyanobacteria that could be inhaled,” Haney said. He noted, however, that the measurements were taken about eight inches above the water’s surface, making it likely that concentrations would be much lower farther away.

While the toxins are likely to be most abundant in the air around lakes, they exist all over the planet, even in deserts.

In 2009, BMAA was even detected in the sands of Qatar. Crusts containing cyanobacteria may lie dormant in the soil for most of the year, but get kicked up during spring rainstorms. Cox and colleagues hypothesized that breathing in toxins from dust might be a trigger for a doubling of ALS incidence in military personnel after Operation Desert Storm.

Near Haney’s workstation at Lake Attitash, a child splashed in the shallow water off a dock. Haney scooped up a cupful of water. He peered at the tiny green particles in the cup that reflect the sunlight, making the mixture resemble a murky pea soup.

“We’ve developed this view of nature as idyllic, which is wonderful, but not everything in nature is benign,” he said. “Rattlesnakes are natural and you wouldn’t get too close to one of those.”

“Proximity does not equal causality”

The hypothesis that exposure to BMAA may trigger the disease in some people remains controversial.

Researchers have evidence that people living close to lakes with blooms may be at increased risk for ALS. They’ve even found BMAA in the diseased brain tissue of people who have died of neurodegenerative diseases. Nevertheless, “proximity does not equal causality,” said Deborah Mash, a neuroscientist at the University of Miami in Florida.

The big, unanswered question is whether the toxin can actually cause the disease. So far, there’s little evidence to show how it could induce the type of brain changes seen in people with ALS.

Tests of human cells have found that BMAA kills the motor neurons – nerve cells that control muscles – implicated in ALS. Primates fed high levels of BMAA in the 1980s showed signs of neurological and muscular weakness. But the toxin did not kill their motor neurons.

“What is lacking at this point is a clear animal model that demonstrates that BMAA exposure results in ALS-like neuropathy,” Cox said.

So what is a possible mechanism for how the toxin may lead to the disease? The body may mistake BMAA for the amino acid L-serine, a naturally occurring component of proteins. When the toxin is mistakenly inserted into proteins, they become “misfolded,” meaning they no longer function properly and can damage cells.

Cox and colleagues soon will test two drugs in FDA-approved clinical trials. They’re about to enter second-phase testing with L-serine. The idea, explained Sandra Banack, a researcher at the Institute for Ethnomedicine, is that large doses of L-serine may be able to “outcompete” low levels of BMAA in the body, preventing it from becoming incorporated into proteins.

For ALS patients like Gilmore, the research can’t come soon enough. “If they can figure out a cause, then hopefully they can find a cure,” Gilmore said.


This article originally ran at Environmental Health News, a news source published by Environmental Health Sciences, a nonprofit media company.


More Articles About Lake Champlain Ecology and  Algae:



Enforcement is Latest Tool in Vermont’s Lake Champlain Cleanup Effort

Vermont Outlines Plan to Address Lake Champlain Cleanup

Vermont officials outlined the state’s new plan to address agricultural runoff in the Lake Champlain basin at a conference in St. Albans on Monday. New resources, deeper partnerships across state government, and new accountability tools (including enforcement and penalties by the attorney general’s office) have been established to improve water quality across Vermont. The state is under pressure from the US EPA to move aggressively ahead with cleaning up the lake. If not, the federal govenment could come in and act on its own and bill Vermont for cleanup costs.

Federal law requires Vermont to reduce phosphorus pollution by 36%. Manure runoff from farms is the largest source of phosphorus pollution in Lake Champlain, with at least 40% of the phosphorus pollution coming from farms, according to Vermont’s Agriculture Secretary, Chuck Ross. Cyanobacteria feed on the phosphorus, creating toxic blue-green algae blooms.

Although pollution also flows from developed areas, roads, forests and waste water treatment plants, one of the most cost-effective solutions is to focus on farming operations. This is where Vermont officials say relatively small investments could generate big returns in curbing runoff.

“In the State of the State, the Governor emphasized the state-wide commitment we will all engage in to clean up Lake Champlain. As you know, we have a particular challenge in meeting that goal here in Franklin County. Today, we are here to tell you more about the Clean Water Initiative and the collaborative approach we will take to meet this commitment,”  ~ David Mears, Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation

Enforcement is Latest Tool in Vermont's Lake Champlain Cleanup Effort

Vermont’s Attorney General Bill Sorrell, Agency of Environmental Conservation Commissioner David Mears and Agricultural Secretary Chuck Ross

Agency of Environmental Conservation Commissioner David Mears, Agricultural Secretary Chuck Ross, and Vermont Attorney General Bill Sorrell outlined The Statewide Plan to Enhance Stewardship and Accountability. The plan detailed a 4-pronged approach to address agriculture-related water quality issues in Lake Champlain and the need to zero in on a relatively small number of sources of pollution flowing into rivers that feed into the lake.


Resources for Stewardship Practices

Using new resources, the State’s partners, which include federal agencies and local water quality organizations, will work with farmers to provide technical assistance and implement agricultural stewardship practices proven to improve water quality. These practices will include: use of cover crops, buffers, contour tillage, no-till farming, livestock exclusion, barnyard repair, grass waterways and crop rotation.

Agriculture and environmental leaders say the state has worked hard to identify and secure these resources. The USDA has committed $45 million to base program funding, an additional $16.8 million for two Regional Conservation Partnership Program projects ($16 million in USDA funding to benefit Lake Champlain), and $3 million of Lake Champlain Basin Program funding. The Shumlin Administration has also proposed a Clean Water Fund  to raise about $5 million to help levy additional resources and implement water quality improvements.

Enforcement is Latest Tool in Vermont's Lake Champlain Cleanup Effort

Increased Capacity

Agency of Agriculture and the Agency of Natural resources staff are being re-deployed to address the priority regions. Additional staff will also be hired.

These staffing changes will increase capacity for: outreach and education, technical assistance, additional inspections, investigations and data tracking.

Enhanced Partnerships

State partners, Federal partners, NGOs, farmers, and business owners are collaborating in new ways to increase efficiency and improve results.  Some of these include: educating farmers at the farmstead about conservation practices and programs, creating watershed specific plans that incorporate these partnerships for increased efficiency, meeting regularly with these groups at the local level to keep momentum, and coordinating the compliance, investigations and technical assistance to identify the issues and connect farmers with partners that can help plan solutions.

“We have honed our focus to enhance the statewide culture of stewardship and accountability. Stewardship means greater partnership across state government, more technical assistance and new, unprecedented resources for farmers to implement conservation practices. Accountability means we have more tools to bring those who fly in the face of the law into compliance… The majority of farmers are working hard to protect our natural resources. Now there are more resources available to assist them in their efforts.”” ~ Chuck Ross, Vermont’s Secretary of Agriculture

Accountability Tools

The Agency of Agriculture, Agency of Natural Resources and the Attorney General have established enhanced, coordinated enforcement for agriculture water quality; the State is also proposing new ways to hold offenders accountable. For example: current use penalties, new enforcement authorities, emergency order authority, civil penalties and the authority to limit livestock.

Officials say legal enforcement of water quality rules on the state’s farmers is going to be one of the tools that will be used to help clean up Lake Champlain, and penalties could include civil fines, a loss of tax breaks for agricultural lands. Ross and Sorrell both say penalties would be used as a last resort on farms that refuse to comply with water quality efforts.

“My office is working closely with the Agency of Agriculture and the Agency of Natural Resources and is committed to bringing enforcement actions when necessary to address violations of Vermont’s agricultural water quality laws, and especially here in Franklin County. We understand that most Vermont farmers are trying to run sustainable farms that operate within the law and live up to the expectations of Vermonters, but when farms fail to do so, we are ready to step in.” ~ Vermont Attorney General, Bill Sorrell

Vermont’s Lake Champlain Cleanup Recommendations

State leaders urge farmers to contact the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service’s local office and discuss how they can become eligible for these new financial resources to implement conservation practices.

“This initiative leverages one of the state’s most vital resources — Vermont farmers who have demonstrated a commitment to stewarding the land to protect clean water. The initiative offers support for farmers to take actions that will conserve soil and protect water, and ensures that all farmers are held to the same standard,” said Mears.

Farmers are already required to follow accepted agricultural practices, or AAPs, which are designed to limit manure runoff. Now, Vermont is expanding these measures — and is under pressure from federal regulators and water quality advocates to enforce them.

“We’re serious. We mean it,” Ross said. “But we’re also serious that we mean we want to help people do the right thing because we know, it’s been shown many times, that most of the agriculture community is engaged, interested, (they) want to make a contribution, have made a contribution and will continue to make a contribution.”

Enforcement is Latest Tool in Vermont's Lake Champlain Cleanup Effort


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Vermont NRCS Conservation Funding Focused on Most Impaired Watersheds

Vermont NRCS Conservation Funding : EQIP Funds to Most Impaired Watersheds


Vermont NRCS Conservation Funding Focused on Most Impaired Watersheds

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack with Vermont US Senator Patrick Leahy and Vermont Secretary of Agricluture Chuck Ross announcing $45 million in Lake Champlain cleanup funds August 28, 2014.
(Photo by Taylor Dobbs, VPR) 

The Lake Champlain Basin will benefit from $45 million dollars of conservation funding through the Environmental Quality Incentives Programs (EQIP) over the next 5 years. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack announced last August that in 2015, the NRCS will be implementing over $8 million dollars in conservation practices. 60% of the money available for 2015 will be targeted for the most heavily impaired watersheds, including: the South Lake, St. Albans Bay, and Missisquoi Bay. The remaining 40% will fund projects in other areas of the Lake Champlain watershed.


“We’ve found at USDA that voluntary conservation is particularly effective with agricultural interests.” ~ Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Vermont NRCS Conservation Funding Focused on Most Impaired Watersheds

Aerial Photographs Capture Sediment Loading to Lake Champlain


Funding Priorities Encourage Voluntary Conservation

In all areas, priority for funding  will be given to agronomic practices that reduce soil and phosphorus losses, followed by improvements to manure storage and handling on farmsteads. Manure Injection is again included as a practice eligible for funding in Vermont. Farmers in the Lake Champlain Basin will also be allowed an option to receive five years of payments, instead of the usual three years, for specific agronomic practices that include: Cover Crops, Nutrient Management, Conservation Crop Rotation, Prescribed Grazing, Feed Management, and Residue Management.

Vermont NRCS Conservation Funding Focused on Most Impaired WatershedsProducers who are interested in funding to support conservation improvements on their farm are encouraged to contact their local NRCS office.


Information based on release from:

Vicky Drew, State Conservationist, USDA NRCS, 356 Mountain View Drive, Suite 105, Colchester, VT 05446, (802 )951-6796, Ext. 242


‘Lake Champlain’ is a new pictoral history of Lake Champlain compiled by the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, and a part of the Images of America series from Arcadia Press.

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