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Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History

Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History

Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History

Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History

Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History celebrates the history of one of America’s most historic lakes – Lake Champlain. Separating the states of New York and Vermont. A natural water ‘highway’ 120 miles long, it connects Whitehall, NY and New York City (via the Champlain Canal and Hudson River) to Montreal and Quebec in Canada (via the Richelieu and St. Lawrence Rivers).  These two routes inland from the Atlantic Ocean and have had a historic impact on both the United States and Canada, as well as, the states of New York, Vermont and the province of Quebec.


Four hundred years of Champlain history are portrayed in over 300 color photographs, drawings, maps and vintage images. This beautiful coffee table book covers the natural, military, social and recreational history of the lake and its towns. Chapters on the First People of the Champlain Basin, the lake’s vital military and transportation history, the cities, towns and villages along the lake, and the sport and recreational opportunities are beautifully explored by regional writers.


Published by Adirondack Life in Jay, New York, Lake Champlain: An Illustrated History is a great book for those who love the lake, history buffs, and nature lovers.

You can order a copy through Amazon.com by clicking here.



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Crown Point / Chimney Point Historic Region

Crown Point / Chimney Point Historic Region by James P. Millard

Crown Point / Chimney Point Historic Region

Crown Point / Chimney Point Historic Region

Information about the historic Crown Point/Chimney Point region of Vermont and New York State on Lake Champlain

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.historiclakes.org

The Crown Point/Chimney Point peninsulas on Lake Champlain are some of the most historic places in the area. Long recognized as places of strategic importance on this waterway through the wilderness, each side of the lake was inhabited and fortified from earliest times. Chimney Point was the site of Fort de Pieux, a simple wooden stockade built by the French; and is now the site of a historic brick tavern owned by the State of Vermont and operated as Chimney Point Historic Site.

Opposite Chimney Point, across the great steel bridge, is Crown Point. This historic location was the site of an important French fort, St. Frederic; and an enormous British Fortress, known simply as ‘His Majesty’s Fort at Crown Point’. It was not known as Fort Crown Point, nor was it called Fort Amherst, as some early sources claim. The Crown Point peninsula played a critical role in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. The ruins there are maintained by the New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. The park is known as Crown Point State Historic Site. The park includes the ruins of both fortresses, a number of important redoubts, and the beautiful Champlain Memorial Lighthouse on the site of the earlier Grenadier’s Redoubt.

Any visit to the historic lakes should include a trip to this remarkably historic and beautiful site.

See on Scoop.itLake Champlain Life

Lake Champlain

This 128-page softcover book features stunning historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, and includes chapters on Patriotic Sites and Celebrations; Commerce in the Canal Era; The Age of Steam; Crossing Lake Champlain; Recreational Boating; Summer and Summer Folk; Hunting and Fishing; and Winter. ‘Lake Champlain’ tells the story of this historic, busy commercial corridor and recreational destination.

Buy Here

More About Lake Champlain Historic Sites:

Great Lakes Scientists Warn of Microbeads Threat

Conference Addresses Microbeads Pollution

Great Lakes Scientists Warn of Microbeads Threat


The 58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research was held in Burlington, Vermont last week. One of the key concerns addressed at the meeting is the danger posed to lakes by plastic pollution.

Experts claim that about 80% of the human-made debris found in the Great Lakes is plastic, that ranges from tiny microbeads to bottles and plastic wrap (‘Meeting in Vt., Lake Scientists Warn of Plastic Wastes’ – Times~Argus).

Microbeads, which have been used in cosmetics and household goods, can attract toxic chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides, which then find their way into the food chain according to the scientists.

Great Lakes Scientists Warn of Microbeads ThreatVermont recently banned the sale of products containing microbeads (see: VT Legislators Looking to Ban Microbeads in Vermont‘ ), and New York State’s Attorney General has called for a ban in that state as well.


More Lake Champlain News:


LCMM Publishes Pictoral History of Lake Champlain

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum Publishes Pictoral History of Lake Champlain

Those who love Lake Champlain and history buffs will enjoy the new book from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM). ‘Lake Champlain‘ is a pictorial history including early photographs of Lake Champlain, and is part of the Arcadia Publishing ‘Images of America’ series.

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum Publishes Pictoral History of Lake Champlain

Lake Champlain
by the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

Stretching  over 120 miles from Whitehall, New York to the Richelieu River in Quebec at the U.S./Canadian border, and covering a surface area of about 435 sq miles, Lake Champlain’s tranquil beauty disquises its rich, bustling history.

Bordered by New York’s Adirondack Mountains and the Green Mountains of Vermont, Lake Champlain’s waterfront communities recall the era when the Champlain Valley’s natural resources: iron, lumber, granite, marble, and potash were shipped to distant ports by lake sloops and schooners.

By the early 1800’s, Lake Champlain was connected with New York City and Quebec by canals and rivers creating an economic boom that lasted for more than one hundred years. Canal boats and barges loaded with apples, hay, bricks, and finished goods carried goods to markets in .

The arrival of the steamboat brought travelers and tourists drawn to the fresh country air, and lakefront cottages and camps sprang up all along the shoreline. Soon automobiles traveled over Lake Champlain on ferries and bridges.

“With 188 historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, the book presents a self-portrait of this unique region as it was captured by area residents when photography was new.

Unlike the timeline expected in history books, the photographs themselves suggested chapters that reflect a more personal view of daily activities and special occasions in the waterfront communities of the Champlain Valley from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s. And the museum has taken great delight in discovering that many images reflect the continuity of life on the lake across the generations.” ~ The Burlington Free Press

The 128-page softcover book features stunning historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, and includes chapters on Patriotic Sites and Celebrations; Commerce in the Canal Era; The Age of Steam; Crossing Lake Champlain; Recreational Boating; Summer and Summer Folk; Hunting and Fishing; and Winter. ‘Lake Champlain’ tells the story of this historic, busy commercial corridor and recreational destination.

Other Featured Lake Champlain Books:



The Weight of Vengeance: The United States, the British Empire and the War of 1812

The Weight of Vengeance: The United States, the British Empire and the War of 1812

Troy Bickham- author Oxford Press  2012

The Weight of Vengeance: The 1812 War over National Self-Image

Book Review  by Jim Cullen

The Weight of Vengeance: The United States, the British Empire and the War of 1812

The War of 1812, now in its bicentennial year, is widely regarded as an asterisk in American history. Sparked by a series of British decrees limiting U.S. trading rights during the Napoleonic era that were suspended even as the U.S. declared war, the conflict was a military draw that ended with the status quo ante. Andrew Jackson’s celebrated victory at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 took place after peace terms had already been negotiated (though not yet ratified). As such, the War of 1812 seems not only unnecessary, but just plain stupid.

In The Weight of Vengeance, Troy Bickham, who teaches at Texas A&M, does not assert that the war was fought over high-minded principle. But he does think it had a logic that transcended its stated grievances over trade, the legal status of sailors who may or may not have been British deserters, or the fate of Canadians and Indians in North America. These issues were real enough. But Bickham sees the war as effectively about the two nations’ respective self-image. An insecure United States felt a need to assert itself as part of the family of civilized nations.

And Britain felt a need to put its former colony in its (subordinate) place. But neither belligerent was in a particularly good position to realize its objectives, and both were subject to considerable internal opposition to their official government positions. Bickham’s parallel arguments seem mirrored by its structure. The book deftly alternates chapters that trace the pro-war and anti-war constituencies in both. For a while, it seems this approach to the subject, however admirably balanced, will only underline the way the various players effectively neutralized each other. But as his analysis proceeds, a decisive view of the war becomes increasingly clear — and increasingly persuasive.

In Bickham’s telling, U.S. conduct in declaring war was remarkably, even stunningly, reckless. The nation’s armed forces, particularly its navy, were absurdly unprepared to take on the greatest global power of the age. Its financial capacity for war-making was ridiculously weak, made all the more so by the unwillingness of even the most determined war hawks to make the commitments necessary to place and maintain soldiers in the field. Many observers have noted that there was considerable opposition to the war from the start, much of it with a sectional tenor — the secessionist tendencies of New England, made manifest by the Hartford Convention of 1814, have long been a staple of high school U.S. history exams.

Bickham duly notes this, but asserts the divisions between presumably unified Jeffersonian Republicans were even worse (the principal threat to President James Madison, running for re-election in 1812, came from fellow Republican DeWitt Clinton.) Even in the one universally acknowledged advantage the U.S. military had — its ability to strike first with an invasion of Canada — was hopelessly botched.

Once that happened, and once the defeat of Napoleon in 1814 freed Britain to redirect its energies across the Atlantic, the U.S. suffered a series of national humiliations, the sacking of Washington D.C. only the most obvious among them. By the fall of that year, the American position was bad and getting worse, with plans for an invasion of New Orleans on the horizon. (The lack of discussion of this strategic and diplomatic dimension of the conflict is a surprising and disappointing omission.)

Viewed in this light, the Treaty of Ghent that ended the conflict is not anti-climactic; it’s deeply counter-intuitive, if not a once-in-a century stroke of luck. As Bickham explains, the reasons for the outcome have very little to do with the United States. On the one hand, Britain was under considerable diplomatic pressure to resolve the American situation in ways that did not complicate its broader strategic objectives in Europe.

On the other hand, there was tremendous domestic agitation to wind down a quarter-century of of war that had taxed the patience of the electorate to the breaking point. At the very moment Britain might have permanently hemmed in American imperial ambitions, it effectively abandoned its wartime objectives in the name of tax relief. The fate of Florida, Texas, and the fate of Native Americans — who at one point were to get a swath of territory that cuts across modern-day states like Indiana and Michigan — were cast. Manifest destiny could now become common sense.

The Weight of Vengeance also discusses other hemispheric implications of the War of 1812, among them the emergence of a distinct Canadian identity (which Bickham feels is overstated) and the diminishing importance of the Caribbean in British imperial calculations.

As such, book the reflects the increasingly global cast of U.S. historiography generally, even as it remains attuned to domestic politics. This multifaceted quality is among its satisfactions, including readable prose. It’s doubtful that the bicentennial of the war will amount to much more than a commercial or academic blip in the next few years. Whether or not that’s fair, the conflict receives a worthy chronicle here that will clarify its meaning for anyone who cares to understand it.

Jim Cullen, who teaches at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York, is a book review editor at History News Network. His new book, Sensing the Past: Hollywood Stars and Historical Visions, is slated for publication by Oxford University Press later this year.