Tag Archives: Fishing

Fishing tournaments make big impact on local economy

Have you ever wondered just what the impact on the local economy was with the fishing tournaments that are held on Lake Champlain?


Northern Bass Supply Tournament


A recent study by a SUNY Plattsburgh professor shows that for every $1 invested in host fees and in-kind services, $88 was returned directly to the local economy. These tournaments generated over 2 million dollars last year, and created nearly 30 full time jobs.

Read more in this article from the Sun Community News:

The summer series of Plattsburgh-based professional bass fishing tournaments bring in $2.2 million annually in direct and indirect spending to the region, according to an economic impact study sponsored by the Adirondack Coast Visitors Bureau, a division of the North Country Chamber of Commerce.

The economic impact study, done by Dr. Stephen Henry of SUNY Plattsburgh, reported:

• $2,186,655 generated annually in direct and indirect spending to the region

• Each tournament participant represented an average of 2.43 travelers, therefore bringing in an estimated 1,740 visitors to the community

• 29.2 full time regional jobs created

• Anglers stayed an average of 4.27 nights during each stay and 75 percent of the survey respondents made use of commercial lodging properties, including hotels, motels and campgrounds

• For every one dollar invested in host fees and in-kind services $88 was returned directly to the local economy

Read more….

Lake Champlain

This 128-page softcover book features stunning historical images from the archives of Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and other regional collections, and includes chapters on Patriotic Sites and Celebrations; Commerce in the Canal Era; The Age of Steam; Crossing Lake Champlain; Recreational Boating; Summer and Summer Folk; Hunting and Fishing; and Winter. ‘Lake Champlain’ tells the story of this historic, busy commercial corridor and recreational destination.

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Four New Vermont State Record Fish in 2015

Four State Record Fish Caught in Vermont in 2015

Vermont’s Fish & Wildlife Department has certified four new all-time state record fish, all caught in 2015. 

Four state record fish caught in Vermont in 2015


New Vermont state records were set for yellow perch, redhorse sucker, cisco and bowfin (taken by bow and arrow). 

“2015 was another great year for record fish catches in Vermont. And, what’s even more exciting is the fact that anglers are really starting to understand the wide diversity of fishing opportunities we have throughout the state. Three of the four species that had records set this past year are not what most anglers typically think of as sport fish. Fishing in Vermont can go way beyond bass, trout and some of the other more commonly targeted species.” – Shawn Good, fisheries biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife.

Vermont’s new record yellow perch, which weighed in at 2.4 pounds, and was caught in March by Keith Sherwood of Hinesburg while ice fishing on Caspian Lake in Greensboro. The fish was 16 inches long and had a girth of 12.5 inches. It topped the previous record of 2.1 pounds by over 4 ounces. 

In April, Brian Latulippe of Hinesburg landed the new state record redhorse sucker from the Otter Creek in Ferrisburgh. The fish was caught using a night crawler and weighed 9.01 pounds. It was 27.5 inches long and had a girth of 16.5 inches. The former record weighed 8.6 pounds. 

The new state cisco was caught by Brian’s niece, Montanah Latulippe, of Winooski. Montanah caught the fish in August on Lake Champlain in South Hero. It weighed 1.09 pounds, was 14.5 inches long, and had a girth of 7.5 inches. Since this was the first cisco ever officially submitted to the Department’s record fish program it automatically takes the top spot on the record fish list. 

A new state record was also set for bowfin taken by bow and arrow. The fish was harvested in August by Louis Phelps of St. George on Lake Champlain in Grand Isle. It weighed 12.09 pounds, was 30.75 inches long, and had a girth of 17.25 inches. The previous record weighed 11.6 pounds. 

Vermont Fish & Wildlife recognizes state records for both traditional angling and for bow and arrow fishing for the species of longnose gar, carp, redhorse sucker and bowfin. 

“The Vermont Record Fish Program continues to serve as a testament to the health and quality of fisheries around the state,” said Good. “Many record fish programs in other states only see new records established every few years. In Vermont, anglers have been setting multiple records each year, and since 2010, 16 new records have been recognized, which is an astounding number. It truly speaks to the excellent fishing opportunities we have here in Vermont.” 

To learn more about Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s record fish program, view record fish entries, or purchase a Vermont fishing license click here…  



Other Lake Champlain Fishing Articles:

Lake Champlain Fishing Access in Charlotte, VT Reopens

Lake Champlain Fishing Access in Charlotte, VT Reopens


Fish and wildlife access sign

The Converse Bay Fishing Access Area on Lake Champlain in Charlotte has reopened after undergoing renovations.

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department says the area is now open for use by anglers and recreational boaters.

The reconstruction project began in late August and the area has been closed since then. The access now has a longer and deeper boat launch ramp, parking that meets the American with Disabilities Act standards and a path to the ramp and dock. There were also infrastructure upgrades to reduce storm water runoff into the lake.


Ethan Allen: His Life and Times
is the story of one of Vermont’s
most famous citizens.Written by
Willard Sterne Randall this book
sheds a new light on one of
Vermont’s founding fathers.
Buy Ethan Allen: 
His Life and Times



More Lake Champlain News:



John Guilmette Fishing Access Area now open for public use

John Guilmette Fishing Access Area now open 

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has completed the reconstruction of the John Guilmette Fishing Access Area on Lake Champlain in South Hero, Vermont and the facility is now open for public use.

The new boat ramp and dock at the John Guilmette Fishing Access Area, which is now open for public use.

The new boat ramp and dock at the John Guilmette Fishing Access Area, which is now open for public use.


The improved access area features new boat ramp and dock structures and a renovated parking area and several other upgrades. Other improvements include green infrastructure components such as a pervious grass parking surface, grass-lined drainage swales, rock drains, new landscaping, and “no-mow” sections along the entire project that meet the state’s new shoreline protection standards.

“The improvements completed will allow for safer and more organized access, boat launching and parking.”  ~ Mike Wichrowski, facility and lands administrator, Vermont Fish & Wildlife.


The facility is also fully compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act criteria.

“Given the amount of use the access area sees throughout the year by anglers, boaters and other recreationalists, it was paramount that we redeveloped the access area to meet their needs while also complying with ADA and Vermont environmental guidelines. We feel that the new facility is much more user-friendly and environmentally responsible, and will serve the public well for years to come.” ~ Mike Wichrowski


John Guilmette Fishing Access Area is now open for public use.

The reconstruction project began last fall (John Guilmette Fishing Access Area Closed for Improvements) and was funded by the Department’s access area program supported by anglers and boaters. The Access Area was acquired in 2012 to serve a large group of anglers and boaters, as well as duck hunters, by providing year-round access at a key location on northern Lake Champlain (New John Guilmette Fishing Access Area).

To learn view a complete list of all Vermont fishing access areas, including maps and additional information, visit fishing access search page.

Other Lake Champlain Fishing Articles:

Lake Champlain Underwater Video

Lake Champlain Underwater Video

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on under the surface of Lake Champlain, check out this Lake Champlain underwater video. This is another in a series of ‘I See Fish People’ videos by Ben Maddox.

See how many different species of Lake Champlain fish you can find in this brief time capsule of life under the surface of Lake Champlain.


“Here’s all the fish from 1 Hour of a Gopro on a sunken tripod at Burton Island State Park edited down. Thanks to Northwest Access TV for the use of the Gopro. Watch more underwater videos from Vermont here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… or find me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISeeFishPeople” ~ Ben Maddox


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