North Hero State Park is the location for the Spiny Softshell Turtle Nesting Beach Work Day, when the turtles will be moved to other sites. The work takes place October 24th, starts between 10 and 11 and will continue into the late afternoon from 10-3.
Turtles – Spiny Softshell, Painted, and Map
Photo by Steve Parren
About the Spiny Softshell Turtle
The Spiny Softshell Turtle is a threatened species in Vermont, and Steve Parren, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist, has worked for the preservation and protection of this species for many years. Join Steve and others for an enjoyable and satisfying workday, as they remove plant growth on some rare stretches of Spiny Softshell nesting beach, preparing for the turtle egg-laying season next June. These same beaches are also host to Map, Painted, and Snapping Turtles.
Snapping turtle hatchling next to my granddaughter Gabby’s foot.
Photo taken in North Hero, Vermont by Molly McHugh
While most of the hatchlings will have emerged from their nests and into the lake by the end of September, some late hatching young of other turtle species may still be underground. Sometimes these hatchlings are seen as plants are pulled from the shale pebble beaches. That late in the season, the lake will be too cold for the baby turtles, so they are usually brought indoors for the winter.
ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center cares for some young Spiny Softshells each year to give them a head start on life. They will overwinter at the aquarium, and in the process become part of the regular educational programming at ECHO.
What to bring: Bring warm clothes in layers, work gloves, and rain gear if needed. You can bring a leaf rake, but otherwise, only short-handled tools, a trowel and/or a hand cultivator. Bring lunch. Bring kids. Bring friends.
Families always welcome: Steve will bring some baby Spiny Softshell turtles (and other turtle species), and will discuss their biology and what we need to do to promote their recovery.
Directions: Route 2 north past Carry Bay in N. Hero. Right on Lakeview Drive, just before Rt 2 swings west toward Alburg. Follow Lakeview almost to the end. North Hero State Park entrance and sign on left. Drive to end, always bearing right. Please arrive between 10 and 11 AM.
Contact: Eric Lazarus, 288-9570 or
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