Tag Archives: winter

Ice Fishing: Tip Ups

Ice Fishing: Tip Ups

Tip-ups is an ice fishing technique as well as a piece of ice fishing equipment. Tip ups are devices that are set on the ice above your hole that dangle bait beneath it. They feature a flag attached that acts as a strike indicator. When a fish takes the bait, the reel turns and releases the line and flag at the same time. The flag “tips up” alerting the angler that a fish is on the line. Tip ups work best with heavier braided line and a larger lure, and typically attract larger game fish.

How to Ice Fish Using Tip Ups

  • Set your tip-up on the surface of the ice above your hole, drop your line in the water until it hits the lake bottom.
  • Raise the line slightly above the lake-bed.
  • The line can  remain still or if you are not in a shelter, you can use the wind to provide a natural jigging-type of movement.


Many ice-anglers try all of these techniques at the same time to see which works best for that particular body of water, the species available and the conditions that season. If you use multiple fishing rods or tip-ups, be sure to check the regulations as there may be limits on the numbers of rods an ice angler can use.

Both New York State and Vermont regulations for Lake Champlain allow no more than 15 lines per angler. Be aware that limits on other bodies of water in each state may restrict the number of lines significantly. Check the regulations for the specific body of water that you fish at the sites below!


Other Lake Champlain Ice Fishing Articles:


Ice Fishing – Jigging

Lake Champlain Ice Fishing – Jigging


Jigging is using an ice fishing rod and hook-and-line to fish and then moving the bait up-and-down or side-to-side. Jigging works best for smaller fish like panfish. You can use lures or live bait while jigging.

Here are some simple steps to practice this technique:

  • Drop your line into the hole and let your jig hook sink to the bottom.
  • Very slowly raise your bait up about a foot off the bottom.
  • Jig your bait or lure up and down, side to side, or up and down and sideways.
  • Don’t move the bait too much or too quickly or the fish might not think it’s worth the effort to bite it.


Here are some locations to test your new technique: Lake Champlain Ice Fishing Opportunities.



Other Lake Champlain Ice Fishing Articles:


What is Ice Fishing On Lake Champlain?

Ice Fishing on Lake Champlain

You’ve seen them… sitting on a plastic bucket, huddled over a hole in the ice for hours. Or perhaps in a colony of colorful makeshift shanties. Ice anglers – are they crazy? While the sanity of any angler is often questioned, that’s a different matter.


What is Ice Fishing On Lake Champlain? shanties


If you’re not already an ice fishing fan, you may wonder – just what is ice fishing anyway?  Some think its one big party, like a tailgate party, with food and drink. In some ways they’re right; ice fishing can be a very social sport.


What is Ice Fishing On Lake Champlain? walleyeFor many anglers around the Lake Champlain valley, snow and freezing temperatures mean the start of their favorite fishing season.  Ice fishermen sharpen their auger blades, lube reels on jigging rods and on tip ups, and head out to catch fish.


Primarily it is fishing, and there are different levels, just as in like other types fishing.  Some ice fishermen use electronics to find the water temperatures and drop-off structure of the lake bed to find fish and catch them up.  Some use live bait like minnows on tip ups and others jig for bass, panfish, trout, or walleye.  Some anglers sit on a bucket, while others lounge in shanties that feature couches, heaters, cook-stoves, tv’s and bunks.


Ice fishing is a celebration of winter, but it is fun, and the camaraderie is infectious.  You might find yourself day-dreaming about cold days and frozen surfaces.  And when a tip up flag flies or a fish slams a jig you’ll be reminded why you’re here.  Fish are what it’s all about – just like any other time of the year.


What is Ice Fishing On Lake Champlain?


Lake Champlain features outstanding ice fishing opportunities for lake trout, salmon, northern pike, walleye and panfish. For a list of top locations for each type of fish and tips to catch them, check out: Lake Champlain Ice Fishing.

Make sure you’re properly licensed, and have all the right safety gear before you hit the ice this winter. Always practice safety on the ice (see: 12 Ice Safety Tips). Enjoy!

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