Vermont Walleye Fishing Season Opens May 6

Vermont Walleye Fishing Season Opens May 6th

The Vermont walleye fishing season opens on Saturday, May 6, marking the return of some of the best walleye fishing in New England. The Vermont state record walleye was caught in Lake Champlain by Richard Levesque in 2010 and weighed 14 lbs. 8.8 oz.

Walleye are the largest member of the perch family, which also includes Yellow Perch and Sauger. They have a large, silvery eye, a white belly and flanks ranging from olive-brown to golden-yellow.

As a reminder to anglers, there is no open season on sauger, a close cousin to the walleye. Once abundant in southern Lake Champlain, sauger still appear there, though rarely. If caught , sauger must be immediately released. Walleye are differentiated from sauger, which they closely resemble, by their first dorsal fin which is dusky colored and spotless.


We saw some really nice, trophy-size walleye during our recent survey work, which certainly brightens the outlook a bit for the upcoming walleye season,” said Chet MacKenzie, fisheries biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. “The fishing conditions are also lining up to be exceptional for opening weekend as flows have dropped in many of the major spawning tributaries to Lake Champlain, meaning anglers will have a great opportunity to connect with post-spawn walleye.”


Where to Find Walleye

Vermont has excellent spring walleye fishing opportunities in a number of lakes and rivers across the state. Such opportunities include Lake Champlain and its tributaries – the Missisquoi, Lamoille and Winooski rivers and Otter Creek, Salem Lake, Island Pond, Clyde Pond and the Clyde River. 

Lake Carmi, Chittenden Reservoir and the Connecticut River, also offer quality walleye fishing but are subject to specific regulations.

Lake Champlain walleye hotspots include near Savage, Cedar and Fishbladder Islands in the Inland Sea, and around Juniper and Valcour Islands and the Four Brothers in the Broad Lake.


Walleye Fishing Regulations

In all waters of Vermont except Lake Carmi, Chittenden Reservoir and the Connecticut River, walleye have an 18” minimum length requirement and three-fish daily limit. The open season is from Saturday, May 6 to March 15, 2018.

Lake Carmi has a slot limit for walleye because of the lake’s high productivity and high rate of walleye harvest. The minimum length is 15 inches, all walleye between 17 and 19 inches must be released. The daily limit is five walleye, but only one may be over 19 inches long. The season is open May 6 through March 15.

Chittenden Reservoir has special walleye regulations to produce large walleye that can help control its over-abundant yellow perch population and offer anglers with an opportunity to harvest a trophy walleye. The minimum length is 22 inches, the daily limit is two, and the season is open June 1 through March 15.

Connecticut River walleye fishing rules are set by New Hampshire. No walleye between 16 and 18 inches may be kept and the daily limit is four fish, of which only one may be longer than 18 inches.

Anglers should reference the 2017 Vermont Fishing Guide & Regulations Digest or the new Online Fishing Regulations Tool at to check a full listing of Vermont waters and all applicable regulations.

To buy a fishing license, or learn more about fishing in Vermont, visit


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